Alonso-Ortiz, J., Colla, E. and Da Rocha, J.M. (2017), “The Productivity Cost of Sovereign Default: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis”, Economic Theory (press publication).
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2017), "The Occupational Segregation of African American Women: its Evolution from 1940 to 2010", Feminist Economics, 23 (1): 108-134.
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2017), "Mapping the Occupational Segregation of White Women in the U.S.: Differences across Metropolitan Areas", Papers in Regional Science (press publication).
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2017), “Local segregation and wellbeing”, The Review of Income and Wealth, 63 (2): 269-287
Da Rocha, J.M. and Sempere, J. (2017), “ITQs, Firm Dynamics and Wealth Distribution: Does full tradability increase inequality?”, Environmental and Resource Economics (press publication).
Da Rocha, J.M., García-Cutrín, J., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Jardim, E. (2017) "Endogenous fishing mortalities: a state-space bioeconomic model”, ICES Journal of Marine Science (press publication).
Da Rocha, J.M., García-Cutrín, J., Prellezo, R., and Sempere, J. (2017) "The social cost of fishery subsidy reforms”, Marine Policy, 83: 236-242.
Da Rocha, J.M., Prellezo, R., Sempere, J. and Taboada-Antelo, L. (2017) "A dynamic economic equilibrium model for the economic assessment of the fishery stock-rebuilding policies”, Marine Policy, 81: 185-195.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2017), "Segregation and Social Welfare: A Methodological Proposal with an Application to the U.S.", Social Indicators Research (press publication).
Garcia, D., Prellezo, R., Sampedro, P., Da Rocha, J.M., Castro, J., Cerviño, S., Garcia-Cutrín and Gutiérrez, M. J. (2017), “Bioeconomic multi-stock reference points as a tool for overcoming the drawbacks of the landing obligation” ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (2): 511-524.
Gomez-Rua, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2017). “A monotonic and merge-proof rule in minimum cost spanning tree situations”, Economic Theory, 63: 813-826. DOI: 10.1007/s00199-016-0996-x.
Gradín, C., Cantó, O. and Del Río, C. (2017), "Measuring employment deprivation in the EU using a household-level index", Review of Economics of the Household, 15 (2): 639-667.
Nielsen, J.R, +52 and Da Rocha, J.M. (2017), "Integrated Ecological-Socioeconomic Fisheries Models – Evaluation and Challenges for Implementation", Fish and Fisheries (press publication).
Sampedro, P., Prellezo, R., García, D., Da Rocha, J.M., Cerviño, S., Torralba, J., Touza, J. García-Cutrín, J. and Gutiérrez, M.J. (2017), “To shape or to be shaped: engaging stakeholders in the fisheries management advice”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (2): 487-498.
Trudeau, C. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2017). “On the set of extreme core allocations for minimal cost spanning tree problems”, Journal of Economic Theory 169, 425-452. DOI: 10.1016/j.jet.2017.03.001
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2017), "El delito fiscal y las reformas tributarias en España, 1830-1900", en José Ignacio Fortea y Juan Eloy Gelabert (eds.), Siete siglos de fraude fiscal (1300-2000), Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (press publication).
Vidal-Puga, J. (2017). “On the effect of taxation in the online sports betting market”, SERIEs-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 8(2), 145-175. DOI: 10.1007/s13209-017-0156-y
Vidal-Puga, J. (2017). “Comments on: Games with a permission structure - A survey on generalizations and applications”, TOP 25(1), 42-44. DOI: 10.1007/s11750-017-0439-2
Bergantiños, G. and Moreno-Ternero, J.D. (2016), “A new rule for the problem of sharing the revenue from museum passes“, Operations Research Letters, 44 (2): 208-211.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Mato-Amboage, R. (2016), “On the Benefits of Including Age-structure in Harvest Control Rules”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 64 (4): 619-641.
Da Rocha, J.M., García-Cutrín, F., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Touza, J. (2016) “Reconciling yield stability with international fisheries agencies precautionary preferences: the role of non constant discount factors in age structured models”, Fisheries Research, 173 (3): 282–293.
Gradín, C. (2016), “Why is income inequality so high in Spain?”, Research in Labor Economics, 44: 109-177.
Gradín, C. (2016), “Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Living Conditions in Costa Rica”, Review of Income and Wealth, 62 (S1): S90-S119.
Vallejo Pousada, R., Lindoso, E. and Vilar, M. (2016), "Los antecedentes del turismo de masas en España, 1900-1936", Revista de la Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa, 10 (press publication).
Villasante, S., Pierce, G.J., Pita, C., Pazos-Guimeráns, C., Garcia-Rodrigues, J., Antelo, M., Da Rocha, J.M., García-Cutrín, J. Hastie, L., Veiga, P., Sumaila, U.R. and Coll, M. (2016), “Fishers’ perceptions and the economic impact of the EU discards policy on small-scale fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain)”, Ecological Economics, 130: 130-138.
Villasante, S., Pita, C., Pierce, G.J., Pazos-Guimeráns, C., Garcia-Rodrigues, J., Antelo, M., Da Rocha, J.M., García-Cutrín, J. Hastie, L., Veiga, P., Sumaila, U.R. and Coll, M. (2016), “To land or not to land: How stakeholders perceive the zero discard policy in European small-scale fisheries?” Marine Policy, 71: 166–174.
Albizuri, M.J. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2015), “Values and coalition configurations”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 81 (1): 3-26.
Alcalde-Unzu, J., Gómez-Rúa, M. and Molis, E. (2015), “Sharing the cost of cleaning a river: the Upstream Responsibility Rule”, Games and Economic Behavior, 90: 134-150.
Bergantiños, G. and Gómez-Rúa, M. (2015), "An axiomatic approach in minimum cost spanning tree problems with groups”, Annals of Operations Research, 225: 45-63.
Bergantiños, G. and Moreno-Ternero, J.D. (2015), "The axiomatic approach to the problem of sharing the revenue from bundled pricing", Games and Economic Behavior, 89: 78-92.
Bergantiños, G. and Vidal-Puga, J., (2015), "Characterization of monotonic rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems", International Journal of Game Theory, 44: 835-868.
Bergantiños, G., Massó, J. and Neme, A. (2015), "The division problem under constraints”, Games and Economic Behavior, 89: 56-77.
Bergantiños, G., Moreno de Barreda, I., Massó, J. and Neme, A. (2015), "Stable partitions in many division problems: the proportional and the sequential dictator solutions", Theory and Decision, 79: 227-250.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2015), “The Evolution of Occupational Segregation in the United States, 1940-2010: The Gains and Losses of Gender-Race/Ethnicity Groups”, Demography, 52 (3): 967-988.
Gradín, C. (2015), “Poverty and Ethnicity among Black South Africans”, European Journal of Development Research, 27 (5): 921-942.
Gradín, C. (2015), “Rural Poverty and Ethnicity in China”, Research on Economic Inequality, 23: 221-247.
Gradín, C., Cantó, O. and Del Río, C. (2015), "Unemployment and spell duration during the Great Recession in the EU", International Journal of Manpower, 36 (2): 216-235.
Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2015), "Occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the US: Differences across States", Regional Studies, 49 (10): 1621-1638.
Kim, S., Bergantiños, G. and Chun, Y. (2015), "The separability principle in single-peaked economies with participation constraints“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 78: 69-75.
Larrinaga, C. and Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "Presentación. España como potencia turística. Una visión a largo plazo", Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, monografía España como potencia turística. Una visión a largo plazo, 37: 19-22.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "Salud y recreo: los balnearios de Galicia y el descubrimiento de una periferia turística en el primer tercio del siglo XX", Agua y Territorio. Water and Landscape, 6: 62-79.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "¿Bendición del cielo o plaga? El turismo en la España franquista, 1939-1975", Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 37: 89-113.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "Informe sobre o patrimonio construido do Conxunto Histórico de Combarro. Datos para a súa consideración como obxecto de espoliación. Combarro, xaneiro de 1991", Pontevedra. Revista de Estudos, 24: 193-236.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "La Hacienda durante la Segunda República y la Guerra civil, 1931-1939", en Carlos Barciela, Joaquín Melgarejo y Antonio Di Vittorio (eds.), La evolución de la Hacienda Pública en Italia y España (siglos XVIII-XXI), Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, pp. 281-323. [ISBN: 978-84-9717-359-9].
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2015), "Las vicisitudes de la deuda pública en un período turbulento: de Canga Argüelles a Mon, 1808-1850", en Carlos Álvarez-Nogal y Francisco Comín Comín (eds.), Historia de la Deuda Pública en España (siglos XVI-XXI), Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, pp. 159-186. [ISBN: 978-84-8008-378-2].
Vidal-Puga, J. (2015), “A non-cooperative approach to the ordinal Shapley-Shubik rule”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 61: 111-118.
Azpitarte, F. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2014), "On the Measurement of Intermediate Inequality: A Dominance Criterion for a Ray-Invariant Notion", Research on Economic Inequality, 22: 401-420.
Bergantiños, G. and Martínez, R. (2014), "Cost allocation in asymmetric trees”, European Journal of Operational Research, 237: 975-987.
Bergantiños, G., Gómez-Rúa, M., Llorca, N., Pulido, M. and Sánchez-Soriano, S. (2014) “A new rule for source connection problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 234: 780-788.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Skonhoft, A. (2014), “The dynamics of an animal-vegetation system: sheep farming”, Natural Modeling, 27 (1): 80-103.
Da Rocha, J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Villasante, S. (2014), “Economic Effects of Global Warming under Stock Growth Uncertainty: The European Sardine Fishery”, Regional Environmental Change, 14 (1): 195-205.
Da Rocha, J.M., Nøstbakken, L. and Perez, M. (2014), “Pulse Fishing and stock uncertainty”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 59 (2): 257-274.
Da Rocha, J.M., Pujolas, P. and Sempere, J. (2014), “Eficiencia y equilibrio en un modelo de formación de derechos de propiedad”, El Trimestre Económico, LXXXI(3), nº 323: 579-593.
Gómez-Rúa, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2014), “Bargaining and membership”, TOP, 22 (2): 800-814.
Gradín, C. (2014), “Race and income distribution: Evidence from the USA, Brazil and South Africa”, Review of Development Economics, 18 (1): 73-92.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2014), "Manuel Colmeiro y la justificación liberal doctrinaria de la beneficencia pública", Revista de Historia Industrial, 54 (Año XXIII): 11-48.
Alonso-Villar, O., Gradín, C. and Del Río, C. (2013), "Occupational segregation of Hispanics in U.S. metropolitan areas", Applied Economics, 45 (30): 4298-4307.
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2013), "Concentration of Economic Activity: An Analytical Framework", Regional Studies, 47 (5): 756-772.
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2013), "Occupational Segregation in a Country of Recent Mass Immigration: Evidence from Spain", The Annals of Regional Science, 50 (1): 109-134.
Da Rocha, J.M., Giménez, E. and Lores, F.X. (2013), “Self-Fulfilling Crises with Default and Devaluation”, Economic Theory, 53 (3): 499-535.
Da Rocha, J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Antelo, L.T. (2013), “Selectivity, Pulse and endogenous life span in Beverthon Hold models”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 54 (1): 139–154.
Da Rocha, J.M., Trelles, R. and Villasante, S. (2013), “Credible Enforcement Policies under illegal fishing: Does ITQs induce to reduce the gap between approved and proposal TACs?”, AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 42 (8): 1047-1056.
Gómez-Rúa, M. (2013), “Sharing a polluted river through environmental taxes”, SERIE's(Journal of the Spanish Economic Association), 4: 137–153.
Gradín, C. (2013), “Conditional occupational segregation of minorities in the U.S.”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 11 (4): 473-493.
Gradín, C. (2013), “Race, poverty, and deprivation in South Africa”, Journal African Economies, 22 (2): 187-232.
Larrinaga, C. and Vallejo Pousada, R. (2013), "El turismo en el desarrollo español contemporáneo", TST (Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones), 24: 1-18.
Larrinaga, C. and Vallejo Pousada, R. (coords.) (2013), El turismo en la España contemporánea, TST (Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones), 24.
Vallejo Pousada, R., (2013), "Balnearios y estudios sobre balnearios en Galicia", TST (Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones), 24: 290-296.
Vallejo Pousada, R., (2013), "Turismo y desarrollo económico en España durante el franquismo, 1939-1975", Revista de la Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa, 7: 423-452.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2013), "Las catastróficas secuelas de las guerras en los siglos XIX y XX", en Francisco Comín y Mauro Hernández (eds.), Crisis económicas en España 1300-2012. Lecciones de la Historia, Madrid, Alianza, pp. 253-277. [ISBN: 978-84-206-7447-6].
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2013), "Mon y Menéndez, Alejandro", Diccionario Biográfico Español, Tomo XXXV, Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia. [ISBN 13: 978-84-96849-91-4]
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2012), “Concentration of Economic Activity: Inequality-Based Measures”, Spatial Economic Analysis, 7 (2): 223-246.
Alonso-Villar, O., Del Río, C. and Gradín, C. (2012), "The Extent of Occupational Segregation in the United States: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender”, Industrial Relations, 51 (2): 179-212.
Bergantiños, G., Massó, J. and Neme, A. (2012), "The division problem with voluntary participation”, Social Choice and Welfare, 38: 371-406.
Bergantiños, G., Massó, J. and Neme, A. (2012), "The division problem with maximal capacity constraints”, SERIEs, 3: 29-57.
Bergantiños, G., Gómez-Rúa, M., Llorca, N., Pulido, M. and Sánchez-Soriano, S. (2012), "A cost allocation rule for k-hop minimum cost spanning tree problems”, Operations Research Letters, 40: 52-55.
Comín Comín, F. and Vallejo Pousada, R. (2012), "La reforma tributaria de 1957 en las Cortes franquistas", Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 8 (3): 154–163.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Gutiérrez, M.J. (2012), “Endogenous fisheries management in a stochastic model: Why do fishery agencies use TACs along with fishing periods?”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 53 (1): 25-59.
Da Rocha, J.M., Cerviño, S. and Villasante, S. (2012), “The Common Fisheries Policy: an enforcement problem”, Marine Policy, 36(6): 1309–1314.
Da Rocha, J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Antelo, L.T. (2012), “Pulse vs. Optimal Stationary Fishing: The Northern Stock of hake”, Fisheries Research, 121-122: 51-62.
Da Rocha, J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J. and Cerviño, S. (2012), “Reference points based on dynamic optimization: a versatile algorithm for mixed-fishery management with bio-economic age-structured models”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69 (4): 660–669.
Da Rocha, J.M., Gutiérrez, M.J., Cerviño, S. and Antelo, L.T. (2012), “log MSY” and optimal HCR: new tools for the implementation of the CFP”, Ocean and Coastal Management, 70: 48-53.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2012), "Occupational segregation measures: A role for status", in J.A. Bishop and R. Salas (ed.), Research on Economic Inequality, 20: 37-62.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2012), "Occupational segregation of immigrant women in Spain", Feminist Economics, 18 (2): 91-123.
Gómez-Rúa, M. (2012), “Sharing a polluted river network through environmental taxes”, Economics Bulletin, 32 (1): 992-1000.
Gradín, C. (2012), “Poverty among minorities in the United States: Explaining the racial poverty gap for Blacks and Latinos”, Applied Economics, 44 (29): 3793-3804.
Gradín, C. and Cantó, O. (2012), “Why are child poverty rates so persistently high in Spain?”, The Manchester School, 80 (1): 117-143
Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Cantó, O. (2012), “Measuring poverty accounting for time", The Review of Income and Wealth, 58 (2): 330-354.
Vidal-Puga, J., (2012), “The Harsanyi paradox and the "right to talk" in bargaining among coalitions”, Mathematical Social Sciences, 64 (3): 214-224.
Alonso-Villar, O. (2011), "Measuring concentration: Lorenz curves and their decompositions", Annals of Regional Science, 47 (2): 451-475.
Bergantiños, G. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2011). "The folk solution and Boruvka's algorithm in minimum cost spanning tree problems”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159: 1279-1283.
Besada, M.,García-Cutrín, J., Mirás, M. and Vázquez, C. (2011), “Generalized marginal rate of substitution in multiconstraint consumer’s problems and their reciprocal expenditure problems”, SERIEs, 2 (3): 401–421.
Bergantiños, G., Lorenzo, L. and Lorenzo-Freire, S. (2011). "New characterizations of the constrained equal awards rule in multi-issue allocation situations”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 74: 311-325.
Bergantiños, G., Lorenzo, L. and Lorenzo-Freire, S. (2011), “A generalization of obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 211: 122-129.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Gutiérrez, M.J. (2011), “Lessons from the Long-Term Management Plan for Northern Hake stock: Could the economic assessment have accepted it?”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68 (9): 1937-1941.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Pujolas, P. (2011), “Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity: The Role of Idiosyncratic Shocks”, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 11 (1), Article 35.
Da Rocha, J.M., Garza, M.D. and Varela, M.M. (2011), “A model of fishing periods applied to the European sardine fishery”, Fisheries Research, 109 (1): 16-24.
Del Río, C., Gradín, C. and Cantó, O. (2011), "The measurement of gender wage discrimination: The distributional approach revisited", Journal of Economic Inequality, 9 (1): 57-86.
Gómez-Rúa, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2011), “Balanced per capita contributions and levels structure of cooperation”, TOP, 19 (1): 167-176.
Gómez-Rúa, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2011), “Merge-proofness in minimum cost spanning tree problems”, International Journal of Game Theory, 40 (2): 309-329.
Montero, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2011), “Demand bargaining and proportional payoffs in majority games”, Games and Economic Behavior, 71 (2): 395-408.
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2011), "Les «répartitions», substitut du Cadastre. L'évaluation statistique territoriale en Espagne entre 1845 et 1900", en Florence Bourillon y Nadine Vivier (eds), La Mesure cadastrale. Estimer la valeur du foncier, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 73-98. [ISBN: 978-2-7535-1775-2].
Vallejo Pousada, R. (2011), "González Besada y Mein, Augusto", Diccionario Biográfico Español, Tomo XXIII, Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, pp. 752-755. [ISBN: 978-84-96849-56-3].
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2010), "Segregation of Female and Male Workers in Spain: Occupations and Industries", Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 194 (3): 91-121.
Alonso-Villar, O. and Del Río, C. (2010), "Local versus Overall Segregation Measures", Mathematical Social Sciences, 60 (1): 30-38. [See Stata code localseg.ado. More information].
Bergantiños, G. and Gómez-Rúa, M. (2010). "Minimum cost spanning tree problems with groups”, Economic Theory, 43: 227-262.
Bergantiños, G. and Kar, A. (2010). "On obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems”, Games and Economic Behavior, 69: 224-237.
Bergantiños, G. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2010). "Realizing fair outcomes in minimum cost spanning tree problems through non-cooperative mechanisms”, European Journal of Operational Research, 201: 811-820.
Bergantiños, G., Lorenzo, L. and Lorenzo-Freire, S. (2010), “The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems”, Social Choice and Welfare, 34 (4): 695-710.
Bergantiños, G., Lorenzo, L. and Lorenzo-Freire, S. (2010), “A characterization of the proportional rule in multi-issue allocation situations”, Operations Research Letters, 38 (1): 17-19.
Da Rocha, J.M., Cerviño, S. and Gutiérrez, M.J. (2010), “An endogenous bio-economic optimization algorithm to evaluate recovery plans: an application to southern hake”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67 (9): 1957- 1962.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2010), "Gender segregation in the Spanish labor market: An alternative approach", Social Indicators Research, 98 (2): 337-362.
Del Río, C. and Alonso-Villar, O. (2010), "New unit-consistent intermediate inequality indices", Economic Theory, 42 (3): 505-521.
Gómez-Rúa, M. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2010), “The axiomatic approach to three values in games with coalition structure”, European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2): 795-806.
Gradín, C., Del Río, C. and Cantó, O. (2010), “Gender Wage Discrimination and Poverty in the EU ”, Feminist Economics, 16 (2): 73-109.
Vallejo Pousada, R., (2010), "Fiscalité et revenu agraire en Espagne au XIXe siècle", Histoire & Sociétés Rurales, 34 (2): 109-148.
Vallejo Pousada, R., (2010), "La Estadística territorial española desde 1845 a 1900. ¿Por qué no se hizo un Catastro en el siglo XIX?", CT/Catastro, 68: 82-115.
Alonso-Villar, O. (2005), “The effects of transport costs revisited”, Journal of Economic Geography, 5: 589-604.
Bergantiños, G. and Lorenzo, L. (2008), “The equal award principle in problems with constraints and claims”, European Journal of Operational Research, 188 (1): 224-239.
Bergantiños, G. and Lorenzo-Freire, S. (2008), "A characterization of optimistic weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems", Economic Theory, 35 (3): 523-538.
Bergantiños, G. and Vidal-Puga, J. (2007), "A fair rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems", Journal of Economic Theory, 137 (1): 326-352.
Comín, F. and Vallejo, R. (2002), Alejandro Mon y Menéndez, 1801-1882. Pensamiento y reforma de la Hacienda, Madrid, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
Da Rocha, J.M. and de Frutos, M. A (1999), “A Note on the Optimal Structure of Production”, Journal of Economic Theory, 89 (2): 234-246.
Da Rocha, J.M. and Fuster, L. (2006), “Why are Fertility Rates and Female Employment Ratios Positively Correlated across OECD countries?”, International Economic Review, 47 (4): 1187-1222.
Del Río, C. and Ruiz-Castillo, J. (2000), "Intermediate Inequality and Welfare", Social Choice and Welfare, 17(2): 223-239.
Esteban, J., Gradín, C. and Ray, D. (2007), “An Extension of a Measure of Polarization, with an application to the income distribution of five OECD countries”, Journal of Economic Inequality, 5 (1): 1-19.
Vidal-Puga, J. (2005), “A bargaining approach to the Owen value and the Nash solution with coalition structure”, Economic Theory, 25 (3): 679 - 701.